Friday, June 3, 2011

WOW! this has nothing to do with me winning MOTY today...but I am happy to announce that I tried something new and succeeded! You know how hard it is trying to get your kids to try new foods right? Well imagine being 38 , set in your ways and busier than H-E-double hockey sticks!  While meeting with someone at work who was trying to sell me advertising space, she was talking about how the magazine was growing.   I asked if she was looking for new writers and if she'd consider letting me write an article (separate from my job) for the magazine...she said she'd give me a shot!  Guess what! I submitted a test article and they actually LIKED it!!! Actually they used the word, LOVED (but I wasn't going to say anything in case you read the article in August and hate it) ...and they're going to publish it!!! Ok..don't get too excited, I'm not getting paid!  But I'm proud of myself for going out on a limb, trying something completely new and it actually worked!!!!  Ok, well maybe I do deserve a MOTY award today, but not in the sense I've come to know it by.  In the sense, that I took a risk..for myself...not for my kids.  I did something on my own, for me, to grow my creativity, use my brain in a new way, to grow my self esteem and to set a new goal for me. It's something small, but it's something just for me! I didn't use my gift certificate to buy them clothes and shoes again...I did it for myself!  Today, I win!

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