Saturday, June 11, 2011

Share your stories...

What are your Mother of the Year Moments????  And should it be just Mother of the Year...or maybe I should have titled it Parent of the Year.  There are plenty of silly things that my husband has done that are less than perfect that we can laugh at...though , those moments are harder for me to laugh at than him!

Have you ever left the house to find your child didn't have shoes on?  I've heard that one before from a friend?
Have you ever forgotten the diaper bag? I've heard that one too....

Share your fumbles, your mishaps and other silly things that you've done (or not done) that you look back and laugh at now...make some parents giggle that are having a rough day and need a laugh.  As I think of  more MOTY moments I've had, I'll post them too!

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