Friday, February 3, 2012

Bad blogger, Bad!

Well...I started this blog thinking I was going to be a rockstar know blogging daily or at least weekly.  But's been MONTHS!  Apparently I might be one of those people who has an idea, starts it , then never finishes it. Oh wait...that's what I always accuse my husband of.  Uh-oh...pot. kettle. black!  And no Omarosa, that is NOT a racist statement!  UG!
Anyway...Mother of the Year...well....instead of blogging, I took a different path to share these funny little stories that my friends and I laugh about. I started writing an article in Family Spectrum magazine.  It's a local Omaha publication that I just sort of fell into.  So, NO , I'm not a COMPLETE quitter...but I guess if I am going to mention the blog in my articles , I better start blogging!
So if ANYONE is out there following this blog with all it's cobwebs on it, hold me to blogging!  Call me on it when it's been too long that I've posted something.  Hey - Post a funny thing that happened to you!
I'm back babies!  Well...I think I am!

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